Coloring vs. Toning

Coloring vs. Toning


When it comes to changing hair tones and achieving a different look, many women have doubts between coloring and toning. After all, are there differences in their formulation? We'll tell you.

If you share these dilemmas, there's no need to worry. We've put together this comprehensive piece of content that will help you understand the basic differences and choose the best product for your needs. Check it out!


Toners are milder products because they don't contain ammonia. However, in general, they can only darken or lighten one shade of your hair's natural color.

You can find them in various presentations such as cream, gel and shampoo. Another important point to pay attention to is how long the color lasts, since the toner "comes off" the hair with each wash. Cream products last a little longer, on average 28 washes.

As these products can also help moisturize the hair, many women use toners in shine baths.

Their action is more superficial. In other words, they don't alter the hair structure, they just deposit the color around the strands to form a film on the surface of the hair. That's why they last less time - and require more frequent touch-ups.

Permanent coloring

Dyes, on the other hand, are formulas that contain ammonia, which is why they last longer. If you want to make a more radical change to your hair color, you should invest in hair dyes because they can lighten or darken up to 3 shades from your natural color, as well as covering 100% of white hair.

The action of dye is a little different from that of toner. In order for the new color to stick to the hair, the product removes the hair's natural pigment and fixes the new shade inside the hair fiber.

That's why the color doesn't wash out and lasts longer. In general, touch-ups are recommended every 3 months - and only at the roots. Now, if you need to lighten your hair by more than 3 shades, a tip is to invest in pickling, for dyed hair, or bleaching, for virgin hair.

Coloring vs. Toning: which one to choose?

It all depends on your goals with the product. See more details.


Those who want a light and discreet change, without altering their hair color too much or damaging their hair, can invest in toners. This is also a good option for women who are dealing with the first gray hairs or for those who have other types of chemical hair such as straightening or progressive brushing.

The great advantage of this product is that it doesn't dry out the hair as much as normal coloring and it also helps to give the hair more shine. However, this doesn't mean that you can slack off after applying it. Avoid using anti-residue shampoos and apply products suitable for colored hair.


Coloring, on the other hand, is the ideal choice for those who want to make a more radical change or who have a lot of white hair to cover. Be careful, though, because not all dyes are suitable for those with chemical hair, such as progressive brushes, relaxers, straighteners, etc.

What's more, after the procedure, you'll need to take extra care of your hair, which tends to become drier and more brittle. The tip is to do a good reconstruction after the process and invest in a hair schedule to reconcile beauty and health.

And don't forget to stop by our partner store to secure the ideal product for your move:
