Healthy strands in winter

Healthy strands in winter


The coldest season of the year is a delight for many people. However, it's undeniable that the drier, colder days also bring with them important issues for hair health. First of all, it's essential to recognize what the most common aggressions and problems are - and then define exactly the right products to regenerate the hair fibre and say goodbye to the damage.Main damageThelower temperatures, the wind and the lack of rain in some parts of the country mean that the hair and scalp end up suffering a lot. That's why we've put together a list of the main problems faced at this time of year:

  • oiliness: hot water and blow-drying cause the scalp to become very dry, leading to the rebound effect, when excessive oil is produced to deal with this dryness;
  • dry hair: this usually affects women with curly hair. The problem is also hot water, which abruptly removes oil from the scalp, as well as very low relative humidity;
  • breakage and frizz: this happens mainly to those who go out with wet hair. The wind and cold end up "solidifying" this water and favoring breakage. Frizz, on the other hand, can be caused by wind and the use of hair dryers and flat irons;
  • dullness: hot water and cold winds are the main culprits, especially when we let our hair dry naturally without any kind of protection.

4 essential tipsIn addition tothe basic tips, such as not washing your hair in very hot water and always using heat protectant before drying or applying flat irons and curling irons, there are others that can save your hair - especially if it is already suffering from these problems. Here are the main ones!1 Invest in moisturizing products

Moisturizing is of the utmost importance during the winter, as it will help to restore the water lost by the hair fiber in all the aggressions we mentioned in the previous topic. In addition to the moisturizing mask (which can be used more often during the week), it is also important to use a more moisturizing shampoo and a good conditioner. In these cases, the tip is to pay attention to the texture of the products.Yamá recommendation: the new Yamasterol Hyaluronic Acid restores water to the hair fiber, as well as regenerating and restoring softness and shine to dry hair. And because it's multifunctional, you can use it as a conditioner or treatment mask.

2. Use leave-in and styling cream

The idea is to ditch the hairdryer in winter too? No problem at all. In these cases, the tip is to invest in a good leave-in or styling cream. Both will protect your hair, avoiding the problems we mentioned above, such as the "solidification" of moisture in the hair, frizz and breakage.Both curly and frizzy hair, as well as straight hair, can benefit from this care, in addition to improving the hydration and softness of the hair, also helping to increase shine.Yamá recommendation: our multifunctional products are perfect for finishing, protecting and defining the hair without weighing it down. In addition, each one has an ideal formula for each stage of the hair schedule: Yamasterol Babosa to moisturize, Yamasterol Argan to nourish, and Yamasterol Hydrolyzed Protein to reconstruct.

3. Take care of oiliness

Hot water is a real villain for those with oily hair. However, on colder days it's practically impossible to wash your hair with any other temperature of water. In these cases, the best thing to do is to opt for milder shampoos that not only clean but also moisturize the hair and scalp. This way you won't suffer from the rebound effect, the result of excess oil produced by the roots, or dryness at the ends. Yamá recommendation: Our Yamá Beauty Care Neutral shampoo has hydrolyzed soy protein in its formula, which is identical in composition to the original proteins in the hair shaft, so it provides protection and restoration for the hair. This way, you'll avoid extreme dryness and still have softness, volume and shine throughout the season.

4. Do reconstructions

For those who have been chemically treated or can't get rid of the hair dryer and flat iron, reconstruction is indispensable, especially in winter when the hair becomes even more sensitive. hair schedule. If your hair is very brittle and has been chemically treated, you can reconstruct it once every 15 days. Invest in products with keratin, collagen, hydrolyzed protein and others.Yamá recommendation: To reconstruct the hair, the recommended darling is Yamasterol Keratin which acts to replenish the protein in the hair, leaving it healthier, brighter and more hydrated. It can be used as a conditioner, pre-shampoo, reconstruction mask in the hair schedule and combing cream.

Now it's easier to take care of your hair during the winter, isn't it? Enjoy and share this content on your social networks! And if you still don't have these little darlings, just stop by our partner store Perfumaria em Casa to guarantee super special prices. See you soon with more news!
