The impact of home care on 2021 launches

The impact of home care on 2021 launches


By Fábio Yamamora, CEO of Yamá Cosméticoss‍

According to a survey carried out by the All Things Hair website, 31% of respondents have invested in home hair treatments during the pandemic. From traditional moisturizing with Yamasterol, evening treatments or even color touch-ups - the fact is that social isolation has encouraged home care. The phenomenon is part of a trend that is gaining momentum and shaping the launches of the hair care, skin care & nail care industry: the home spa.

The temporary closure of salons alone was not enough to explain this behavior. It is important to pay attention to a sum of factors, such as the decrease in purchasing power, the advancement of product technology, the popularization of social networks and, above all, the search for a moment of well-being through hobbies in isolation. While some people have learned to bake bread and others to plant their own vegetable garden during the pandemic, many have started to dedicate themselves to body, skin and hair care routines, even as a form of relaxation.

What's changing in the beauty industry? For the first time, the growing interest in formulations and active ingredients has generated a new audience: expert consumers. In other words, consumers who, even without professional training, are interested in and research raw materials, formulas and more. As a result, if before the most attractive thing was to highlight the end result - shine, hydration, softness - now it's also interesting to share the laboratory process, technological innovations and the specifics of the formulation.

Another detail is the concern to work with professional hairdressers on different levels. The first is to offer professional lines that include products for maintenance and treatment at home which, as well as increasing revenue, is an important attraction for retaining the salon's customers and also the brand. The second is to understand that this customer is looking for information, training and even recommendations for use on the internet and, without a qualified spokesperson, any brand is vulnerable to information without technical backing.

The experience of well-being must also be taken into account. Use needs to be a pleasant moment in the routine - be it because of the texture, fragrance or other details that enhance the product. In addition, it should be borne in mind that this new consumer is always on the lookout for novelties, so the more possibilities in the same formulation, the better.

To take a close example, Yamasterol is a multifunctional cream that has been adapted to different uses and trends for 53 years. Many people use it as a leave-in or conditioner, but also as a Co-Wash, Pre-Shampoo, Night Moisturizer, among other routines that have occasionally gone viral among consumers. Despite the changes, in this and any other market, adaptation is the key to longevity.
